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Membership with The Nonprofit Partnership - Why?

Woman reading a blog post

Our sector is flooded with content, opinions, courses, memberships, scams and more. So, why should you consider being a member with The Nonprofit Partnership? I’ll give you the inside scoop.

1.    Membership is affordable

I have lost count of the number of times I have dropped my jaw at the pricing structure of other membership organizations and associations. When properly utilized, NPP membership dues pay for themselves 20-fold. 

2.    Membership is specific for nonprofit organizations

I strongly dislike being fed content and programming that isn’t applicable to my work – it’s nothing but a distraction (and a pain in the rear). The Nonprofit Partnership was created for nonprofit organizations – we exist to talk nonprofit best practices all day, every day. You can count on appropriate, niche content and programming from NPP.

3.    Programming is responsive to members’ needs & comes in all shapes and sizes

We don’t pretend to know what our members may need to succeed in their mission – we ask. Through conversation, surveying, focus groups, and more, we are constantly adjusting content and programming to respond to the needs of our nonprofit members. 

Members can take advantage of in-person workshops, hybrid sessions, webinars, forums (Midday Marketing Meet-Up, The Fundraising Focus, and Leadership Way), intensive training opportunities (Governance Gateway: Board Member Training and The Art and Science of Fundraising), partner programs (Master Your Nonprofit Numbers), one-on-one consultation (Bring Your Own By-Laws and Canva Catchall), events through Celebrate Nonprofits Week, the annual Keystone Nonprofit Conference, and more!

4.    Membership is all-encompassing 

Betty, Bobby, and Barb don’t need separate memberships. We don’t exist to nickel and dime. Membership with The Nonprofit Partnership includes staff members, Board Members, and key volunteers.

5.    Once a member, you’re among friends

A group of 415+ friends (current NPP membership) is quite a solid group! There are consistent opportunities for members to engage with one another to learn from each other and collaborate – AKA, the secret sauce of success. 


Want to get down and dirty in the details? Download the Membership Benefits Guide here or schedule an appointment with Ellen Kehl, Associate Director, here

The Nonprofit Partnership's offices at The Susan Hirt Hagen Center for Transformational Philanthropy are open Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM.

Phone 814.240.2490